Friday, November 9, 2012

Waiting for a delivery

Can someone please explain to me why is it that a courier company can not give a more specific time than "between 9am and 5pm" while adding, not so helpfully, "if it's not there by 3pm we will be able to give you a better idea of when it will arrive!".

I wanted to head "up north" for the weekend, but I need to wait for this delivery first - it's not something I want left on the doorstep AND there is no other option regarding delivery / collection.



Paxford said...

Sending hugs that you are dealing with the "you must wait upon our convenience" ploy by courier companies.

I have been experiencing that this week as well - along with finding "we could not deliver" cards in my postbox even though I have been HOME all day - oh and the "mystically wait until you have just stepped in to the shower to turn up" deliverer.

Hope your parcel arrives soon!

Old NFO said...

Oh man, that just sucks... It's definitely a PITA. That is one BAD habit y'all seemed to have picked up from us...

Julie said...

It turned up at 3.40pm - what a waste of a day :(